Monday, September 28, 2015

The song i picked is from my childhood it's ‘’I Care About You’’ by Kc and JoJo .
The reason that i picked this song is because it holds a lot of childhood memories for me.
I can remember my mom in the kitchen cooking dinner and her playing this song for us,
my mom used to call me Kc and she used to call my sister JoJo. We used to always joke around that we were the female Kc and JoJo whenever we sing the duet together. The song had three parts and my mom would always jump in on the extra verse.
We used to always get emotional and start to cry when my mom sung her part ‘’I care for you and i'm there for you’’ because that would always remind us how much she cared.
After we got through being emotional , she would always tell us

she loved us.


I love turning off the A.C and opening up the window to let the breeze in even though i know my mother is going to complain about it being too cold . I really love the cool air of the fall letting out the humid stale air of summer and leaving something fresh behind , something clean and fresh. I love sleeping with the window open and feeling the cool air just to sleep under the covers when it gets to cool , knowing that i'll wake up in the morning with a stuffed nose and a cold room. I love the colors of the leaves and watching them turn colors , i love the sound of the leaves as you walk through them and raking them into a pile to jump into them scattering leaves everywhere.
I love picking the last peacuns off of my grandmas peacun tree and baking them into pies. And i expecially love walking to starbucks with my sister to buy pumpkin spice lattes and not caring that maybe that's just a little to much calories for us .

Sunday, September 27, 2015

I haven't yet started robotics I think I'm going to be starting it next week because I missed the first course but I'm kind of excited to start. I'm looking forward to the mechanical aspect of robotics and the design courses and challenges . I didn't really think that we were going to begin taking the robotics this year , it was always like something we always heard about but it was like something no one ever did . Then again I was a freshman last year and I had heard that our predecessors before us had done it . I actually think it's really cool that we get to compete in design challenges and things like that , and I even heard that we can earn extra credits for participating and doing well . Which for me means more electives appearing on my transcripts which all equals to getting into BW with no remedial courses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Hello. My name is Kayla Lewis and i am a 10th grader at Design Lab i live in Cleveland , Ohio i was born here in Cleveland on 140th but moved to birmingham,Al when i was 4 years old and moved back when i was 9. I plan to graduate high school on time in 2 years and go to Baldwin Wallace University here in ohio . I want to go to college for literature , i dont want to be a teacher though. My favorite thing to do in the world is read , and i know that sounds like the typical student suck up to teacher thing , but it really is. My favorite book to read is the twilight saga , i like the book waaaaay more than i like the movie , even tho i gotta admit that Stephanie Myer was on something when she was righting it . Sometimes i prefer the classics although im not really a emily bronte type of girl i prefer jane austin or even her sister charlotte bronte. Last year because of my english teacher Ms.Francis i really got into poetry and william shakespeare (cliche i know) , and i learned that romeo and juliet wasn't the only great thing he wrote . I also like some really cool alternate universe books like Gathering Blue and The Giver , did i mention that i really like the way Louis Lowry writes (one of my favs) .
I dont really watch t.v a lot i actually can't remember a time where i just straight watched t.v , partly because for a long part of my life i really needed glasses and never wore them so now my visions really bad , so i guess i just turned to books,


Friday, September 4, 2015

Vietnam napalm attack

Vietnam Photographer's Return  VIETNAM ARCHIVAL 220
This is what i was talking about in the faithful elaphants questions these countries have no regard to the feelings of all these innocent people killed in all these wars. To me all they care about is money and greed i mean really what did those ittle kids do to get stripped and kicked out of there house ? Where are there parents? probably somewhere dead , do these soldiers have any idea of how many kids that they have left there orphaned? And then us as americans wonder why these third world countries are so poor , we send our soldiers over there to fuck everything up with no regard to the innocent lives lost , they leave these kids orphaned with no food and no jobs and no families . And then we have the nerve to send out people to ''help'' but really whats the point when were the one who ruined things in the first place.

Oka crisis

Oka Crisis Anniversary 20150707
The u.s mainly take these young boys sixteen and seventeen when they have no idea what there going to do after highschool , and to poor to afford college and convince them that the military is right for them.Then once there in the military they turn these boys into over armed killing machines and send them into these wars that they dont even have any idea what there fighting for . The only good reason that we can give them is  that there fighting to "protect" the u.s but is that really what were fighting for? These world leaders and not just the u.s cause many pointless wars , is it the innocent people who had nothing to do with what there fighting for fault ? No its not at all but there the ones paying the price while these world leaders sit untouched on there thrones .

Tiananmen Square

China Tiananmen Then and Now
This picture shows how boneless people really are only a few people will really stand up for what they believe in instead of sitting there compromising to the government . People like to feel secure and the miitiary wether we want to believe it or not makes us feel protected.In this case this man is by himself and he still stood up for himself . It takes a brave man to do that .